Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority
- (246) 421-4141 Ext. 2208
Because of Jenna Trust is a registered charity dedicated to easing the suffering of children with severe disabilities in Barbados and improving their quality of life. It was founded in memory of Jenna Leigh Clarke, the 11-year-old daughter of Garry and Anna Clarke, who died on December 1, 2001. The registered Charity (#578) was established on January 26, 2004.
The Trust raises funds through fundraising events and personal and corporate donations and uses these funds to help pay for the special treatments, equipment and supplies needed by severely brain-injured children including wheelchairs, orthopedic surgeries, medication, school fees, transportation, a year-round pamper drive, a home therapy program as well as other necessary tests such as MRI’s, CAT scans and X-rays and a Respite Centre, known as the Because of Jenna Respite Centre to serve as a day care for the kids who will be otherwise at home and provide ad hoc physiotherapy, occupational therapy, socialization activities, community inclusion. The Trust also works to create public awareness of the plight of these children and their families with advocacy initiatives and outreach.