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BlueGreen Initiative Inc.



BGI is a registered (Sep. 2016) not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in Barbados committed to sustainable development for Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). We believe a sustainable future means strengthening vulnerable communities, implementing science driven solutions, enhancing the awareness of the public on critical issues and building capacity to
the challenges faced by Climate Change. BGI works with a diverse group of partners to develop and implement sustainable solutions in an effort to build a brighter future for generations to come.


Activities Required
Biorock coral restoration pilot project along the Barbados west cost - coral transplanting, monitoring and evaluation. Supporting the developing of new projects by researching secondary information of climate change.
Assisting in the preparation of documents and reports.
Social outreach on environmental issues
Social media and content management
Conducting scientific research to contribute to projects.
Number of Available Spots

Contact Information

Main Contact
Dr. Mohammad Nagdee
Secondary Contact
Mr. Jehroum Wood
Phone 2

Additional Information

Social Info


Peterkin Road Bank Hall, St Michael