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Centre for Hybrid Studies (CHyS)


The CHyS is a research agency that bridges the gap between academia and the community.

Once signed onto CHyS’programme, graduate researchers, benefiting from CHyS supervision and support, lead programmes that explore specific problems in science, culture and society. Each of them is assisted by three undergraduates. The undergraduates benefit from being exposed to research methods and content while studying real- world problems. Every undergraduate is then assigned three community youth who are not enrolled in formal studies. The community researchers support the undergraduates and, in return, benefit academically. All along the research chain are reciprocal benefits and insights that ground sometimes rarefied academic work in rich community reality while giving academic rigour to community insights and action.

The current research initiatives include leadership, communications, heritage, creative economy, cultural studies, ethnobotany, self-esteem, reparations, alternative energy, film, inclusive education, and innovation. As far as possible, the research is tied to community activities. CHyS is a registered business.

The research programme is not for profit.


Activities Required
Students will assist lead researchers with:

Locating, collating and analysing data.
Writing research papers.
Designing and implementing community projects and programmes.
Mentoring community researchers

Contact Information

Main Contact
Deryck Murray, Ph.D.
Phone 2

Additional Information

Social Info


Lot 104, Cutting Rd, Haggatt Hall (Operating from Old Spirit Bond, Wharf Rd, Bridgetown)