Registered Entity

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HNI Foundation Inc

HNI Foundation Inc is the non-profit arm of Healthier Nation Initiative Inc. (HNI).
The primary goal of HNI Foundation Inc. is to ensure that regardless of one's socio-economic status, every individual has access to quality health and wellness goods, products, and services.


Activities Required
Assist the Community Liaison and the Community Relations Officers with the carrying out of their duties.

This will entail:
Assisting with the Outreach Program
Assisting collecting and collating data vital for the execution of the program
Assisting with follow up calls to persons benefiting from the program
Assistance with distribution of hampers
Assistance with setting up outreaches
Number of Available Spots

Contact Information

Main Contact
Sheldon Jones
Secondary Contact
Carl Griffith
Phone 2

Additional Information

Social Info


Charnocks #1, Christ Church, Barbados