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Supreme Counselling for Personal Development


Supreme Counselling for Personal Development (SCPD) is a registered charity under the Charities Act of Barbados.  This organization has been working in a number of Secondary Schools for the past eleven (11) years with a focus on children with behavioural and /or emotional issues or those children who are considered to be “At Rick”.  We conduct a project entitled “Project Rescue,” (teaching young people to be Responsible, Enthusiastic, Savvy, Courageous, Unselfish, Enterprising) that has three components attached to it; those components are “The Supreme Self Development and Awareness Programme,” “The Supreme Mentoring Programme” and “The Olweus Bullying Prevention Programme”.


Activities Required
Assist with research
Event Planning
Volunteering at Supreme Events
In-Office Assistance

Contact Information

Main Contact
Mr. Shawn Clarke
Phone 2
