Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority
- (246) 421-4141 Ext. 2208
The Barbados Diabetes Foundation (BDF) was formed in 2001 as a mechanism for providing a holistic approach to the management of diabetes in Barbados. It benefited from a grant from a private foundation to construct a specialist diabetes centre. The Maria Holder Diabetes Centre for the Caribbean opened in 2014 in Barbados. The Diabetes Centre is an institution dedicated exclusively to the management of diabetes in Barbados. It offers a multidisciplinary approach to diabetes care. Patients may be seen by diabetes specialist physicians, specialist nurses, nutritionists, and psychologists at the same visit in a holistic exercise. The Centre also houses a foot care clinic which is run by podiatric specialists who work in tandem with the rest of the team. Other services offered by the Centre are exercise therapy, retinal imaging and on-site point of care laboratory services. Patient empowerment and self-management are the central focus of every encounter.