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The Walled Garden Barbados Film Festival Trust


Now approaching its Seventh Edition, the Barbados Independent Film Festival is the highly anticipated international, annual Film Festival held in Barbados during the Winter Spring seasons on the heels of the festive and creative awards seasons. Attracting 3000 attendees – and more with each Edition - BIFF features 50+ film screenings and complementary events over its 5 to 10-day run. The festival draws over 60 local, Caribbean and international filmmakers and a broad spectrum of filmgoers from across the island, region as well as short term and wintering visitors.

The Walled Garden-Barbados Film Festival Trust (WGBFFT), a Charity, was established with the creation of the Walled Garden Theatre Trust. The Walled Garden Theatre is a recently renovated addition to the grounds of the Barbados Museum & Historical Society. With a mission to support the conservation and restoration of the Barbados Museum and the Historic Garrison District within the UNESCO World Heritage Site in Barbados, the pairing’s vision is to invigorate and appreciation for heritage and historic sites through the arts in the area. The WGBFFT mission is to manage the Film Festival, providing the platform for initiatives that support arts, education, highlighting the link between the environment, human well-being, fortitude and resilience. The festival annually, through an international call for works seeks novel storytelling that ignites passion in the audience. Led by inspiring Founders Dr. Sir Trevor Carmichael & Jennifer Smith Bent the festival evokes aspirations to a better future. Both the Walled Garden Film Festival Trust and the Walled Garden Theatre Trust are charitable trusts.


Activities Required
If you love taking on responsibility and organizational planning, have great social and communication skills, a sense of adventure, a passion for cinema, and the arts in general, then we would love to chat with you about joining our BIFF management team this year.

Digital Media Assistant
Working with the communications team, this is a great opportunity to work in digital media; improve; gain experience; learn web/graphic design/writing skills; give the marketing team a website a vibrant and interactive perspective. Assisting the principal designer and web team constantly improve our most important communication tool.

Social Media Assistant
Working with the Marketing team, here’s an opportunity to test your creative juices managing and creating content across the festival channels. Meeting and interviewing filmmakers and being a part of the wider communications team.

Festival Assistant
Working with the Festival Director and or the Producer, managing the schedule, film censorship board, liaising/corresponding with filmmakers and other festival management team re festival infrastructure, logistics of facilitators and service providers, team members and schedule.

Junior Producer/Stage Manager
Working with the Executive Producer the jr. stage manager assists with the planning and arrangement of all location set ups and breakdowns, liaises with stage crew and venue manager and house manager, to ensure the running of each show from concept to night of.

Liaison for Visiting Filmmakers, a great opportunity to meat Caribbean and international filmmakers, guests and specially invited guests. Working in box office or front of house management nightly. Can be responsible at any venue.
Number of Available Spots

Contact Information

Main Contact
De Carla Applewhaite, Festival Director
Secondary Contact
Sarah Layne
Phone 2

Additional Information

Social Info


C/o Chancery Chambers, High Street, Bridgetown St. Michael