Noble Rose Events 246
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Burrowes Integrated Management Services Inc. is a 15-year-old company that has been dedicated to providing financial advisory and accounting support services to entrepreneurs and
owner-managed businesses in Barbados. Our firm invests significantly in the training and development of our staff to be able to become independent professional services providers.
Our staff obtains a wide rain of exposure to a diversity of business clients and to a range of services including accounting, internal and external audit, tax compliance, business process improvement, and corporate compliance. The company has historically welcomed undergraduates to short-term internships with us as a means of obtaining structured exposure to
the world of work. Because the internship includes in-house and in-the-field training, including exposure to audit and accounting software tools and opportunities to interview and interact
with client representatives in a variety of business sectors, interns are exposed to different business environments while developing both the social and technical skills that will enhance
their ability to make a positive contribution to society post-graduation.