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Myeloma, Lymphoma and Leukemia Foundation of Barbados


Registered as the Myeloma, Lymphoma and Leukaemia Foundation of Barbados (MLLF) Charity #579

Main Objectives: 

(A) SUPPORT: To provide a support network for sufferers of blood related cancers and their families.

(B) EDUCATION: To educate patients, their families, caregivers and the Barbadian public about blood relates cancers.

(C) ADVOCACY: To act as an agent on behalf of such persons on matters pertaining to blood related cancers.

(D) FINANCIAL: To assist financially where possible


Activities Required
Students can choose from the following:

Fundraising activities;
Educational outreach in the community or at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital / Haematology Clinic;
Accompanying volunteers to visit patients on the ward of the QEH or within their homes; or
Office duties or any other skilful art they may have.

Contact Information

Main Contact
Hyacinth Grimes


Pine Medical Centre, 3rd Avenue, Belleville, St. Michael